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2020年国际非开挖展将延期举办 2021-05-10


Rescheduling of Trenchless Asia 2020 and International No Dig

The decision has been taken to ensure a duty of care to everyone involved in the show, including staff, exhibitors, visitors, speakers and suppliers. The support from exhibitors has been phenomenal and the 2020 Trenchless Asia was due to be the biggest yet. However ensuring the safety of everyone involved is my number one priority, and of course delivering a high quality visitor level. We believe holding Trenchless Asia in June/July will meet all priorities including exhibitor and visitor expectation and provide the springboard to the Trenchless and underground infrastructure sector in that region.

The new dates will now be June 30-July 1st 2021 and held once again at the Kuala Lumpur Convention centre, Malaysia.

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