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AI检测企业获200万美元风投 2021-05-10

SewerAI将获得来自风险投资公司Builders VC和EPIC Ventures的200万美元种子资金,用于其下水道检测技术。通过AI检测技术,客户可以比以往节省更多钱,加快工作流程并获得更准确的检测信息

AI technology secures US$2m in funds

SewerAI will receive US$2 million in seed funding for its sewer inspection technology from venture capital firms Builders VC and EPIC Ventures.

SewerAI was established by sewer infrastructure inspection technology veterans to address the massive problem of ageing pipe infrastructure – with more than 1.8 billion m of sewer pipe in just the US alone, approximately 900 million m are in need of repair or replacement.

US municipalities spend approximately US$50 billion each year maintaining this infrastructure, mainly using manual inspections, data delivered via physical disks and desktop-based software.

SewerAI harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and computer vision, along with a cloud workflow platform to automatically detect pipeline defects, allowing sewer inspections to be completed in a fraction of the time with increased accuracy.

“The cost to state and local communities to maintain and repair ageing pipes, and the cost of system failures, are in the billions of dollars,” said SewerAI CEO Matthew Rosenthal.

“Utility companies and engineering firms help to manage the problem of ageing pipes by deploying robotic cameras to identify defects, collecting tens of thousands of hours of video each day that are manually reviewed and assessed in a painstaking and time consuming process.

“This inspection process is typically slow, expensive, and inconsistent – not to mention subject to human error.”

Matt Rosenthal and Bill Gilmartin have separately been working in the industry for more than 10 years and have a unique combination of technical capability and real-world operational experience, leading them to this AI technology.

SewerAI’s groundbreaking AI, cloud-based software AutoCode™ significantly enhances and accelerates  sewer infrastructure inspections.

“With our technology, sewer inspection crews in the field can now change their workflow to survey significantly more feet of pipe per day,” said Mr. Rosenthal.

“Machine learning training dataset consists of millions of feet of labelled video inspection data, all reviewed and validated by our expert labellers.

“This training dataset grows every day, allowing SewerAI AutoCode to gain intelligence with every foot of inspection processed through the SewerAI IMP.

“As the data comes in, our clients save money, accelerate their workflows, and receive more accurate asset information than ever before.

“The cost savings to utility companies and their customers that can be achieved with our technology, coupled with the environmental and public health benefits resulting from a modernised sewer infrastructure, are tremendously beneficial to our society.”

Coupled with the SewerAI Inspection Management Platform® (IMP) – a web-based tool that stores the inspection data and enables users to stream inspection videos, view reports, and access data analytics and predictive models for risk assessment – AutoCode™ empowers asset owners to move from expensive reactive maintenance activities to more cost-effective proactive asset management strategies.

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